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Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions

Here you will find answers to the most common questions about our products and services. We have compiled this information so that you can resolve your queries quickly and easily. If you do not find what you are looking for, do not hesitate to contact us. We are here to help you and make sure you have the best experience with Dromos.

DROMOS offers various products for people with reduced mobility, from manual and electric wheelchairs to anti-decubitus bubble mattresses.

You can contact us by calling (+34) 663-775-900, or by sending an email to, so that we can advise you according to your needs.

You can buy DROMOS wheelchairs at our partner orthopedics. To find out which one is closest, contact us.

You can purchase original spare parts at the orthopedics where you purchased the chair, or by calling to our customer service telephone number (+34) 663-775-900.

You can contact the orthopedics where you purchased the chair. They will manage everything regarding technical service. You can also call directly to our customer service telephone number (+34) 663-775-900.

DROMOS does not sell directly to individuals, but through orthopedics. If you want to know the orthopedic closest to you, contact us and we will refer you.

To find the closest orthopedic to you, contact us by phone or email.

The warranty by law is two years. However, there are several exceptions that are not covered by the warranty, such as parts susceptible to wear and tear due to use.

Yes, we have backrest extender, elevating legrest, and anti-tip wheels.

Our chairs are made of steel or aluminum, and our main chair being aluminum.

Yes, we have all sizes. We offer small sizes from 36 to sizes large, up to 57 (reinforced with double crossbar and holds up to 160 kg). Our goal is meet the needs of all our clients.

All DROMOS chairs are foldable. This allows them to be transported easier and to fit in elevators and small spaces.

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